Health & Safety Policy Statement
The Health & Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 requires Weld-A-Rail Limited to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of our employees and anyone else who may be affected by our acts or omissions. Weld-A-Rail’s defined performance standard is zero accidents; compliance with statutory requirements will be the minimum acceptable standard adopted to achieve this goal.
In order to carry out this policy, responsibilities for health and safety have been clearly defined, allocated and accepted at all levels. All employees must play their part in implementing this policy within the relevant Network Rail and Railway Group standards if safety standards are to constantly improve.
When implementing this policy we will:
- Provide sufficient resources to ensure that proper provision for health and safety can be made;
- Carry out risk assessments of our activities and implement effective measures to control the risks present;
- Establish and implement safe systems of work for our work activities;
- Communicate with all employees about their health and safety and provide them with sufficient information, instruction and training through positive management and supervision in order to implement this policy fully;
- Provide our employees with the appropriate tools and equipment to enable them to work safely;
- Work with our customers within the rail industry to ensure our employees have a safe and healthy’ environment in which to work;
- Carry out track welding to a standard sufficient to ensure the safety of employees, others and the safety of the infrastructure being worked on.
The arrangements in place to implement this policy form part of the company’s day to day operational procedures and as such are reviewed on a continuous basis. Where opportunities for improvement in safety standards or safety problems are identified they will be tackled promptly, and with sufficient resources, to ensure that they are dealt with adequately.
The implementation of this policy will be monitored throughout the company’s activities in order to ensure compliance with its objectives.
This policy Statement will be formally reviewed on an annual basis.
Position: Managing Director